Your Focus IQ Results

Have you ever heard of a Trust fall? It’s when you are willing to take a risk because you know that there is support behind you that will not let you get injured or hurt.
Based on your quiz results you will take ACTION, you just need to make sure it is the right one. You are ready to get focused, you just need some guidance and strategy. You are aware the risk will be worth the reward even if it is uncomfortable you just need a little support stepping into the unknown.
Below you will find strategic steps to helping you take ACTION as you walk in your purpose and assignment with focus.
Acknowledge Your Need– As an action taker, it can be easy to have a need and be so used to filling it ourselves that we don’t realize how it is hindering us from putting our energy in important places and future growth. The first step in action is to acknowledge the need for guidance, strategy, and support. Consider the areas where you could benefit from tools, wisdom, delegation, etc. Where could you benefit from having someone step in and take over or help you get to the next level? What areas could you grow from the guidance of someone further along than you? Write it down and begin to make the connections.
Clear Your Mind– It’s time to get to the root of the clutter so that you can focus on what matters. Learning to declutter your mind is key to action. It is time to embrace the reality that a cluttered mind has been in combat with the clarity that God intends for you to have. You can have the mind of Christ, and the mind of Christ is free from clutter.
Tell Your Time– Similar to how a financial budget helps us tell our dollars how we will spend them, we have to tell our time how we will spend it. We have been given the gift of time and the opportunity to determine what we will do with it. We all get the same 24 hours in a day, yet we should learn how God uniquely intended for us to spend those hours. What time of the day is your mind most prone to distractions versus action? What time of day are you most focused versus least focused? How much time will you invest in researching? Some studies have shown that we are more creative in the evening and more focused in the late morning. This is a generalization and you may find it opposite for you. Study yourself. Whatever may be the case for you, use that knowledge to plan out how you will get the work done.
Invite Wise Counsel– Enlisting the insight and knowledge of wise counsel is a critical part of being an action taker (see Proverbs 11:14). You may have to start alone but you don’t have to stay alone. The wisdom of others is where you will find clarity, confidence, and community. This may be a spouse, friend, clergy member, coach, mentor, etc. The goal is for you to get insight and input from someone you can trust and who cares about you. This person should also be willing to truthfully share from their experience, education, and spiritual wisdom. The decision will ultimately be up to you, but having wise counsel helps you make a more informed and thought-out choice as you prepare to take action.
Outline Your Options– Part of taking action is knowing which action to take. Often we are given more than one option that’s good and can somehow lead us to our destination. There is always a risk associated with any action, so outlining the options is how we can assess the risk. Taking the time to write down what options we have been given, what wise counsel has shared, and how the options may impact our future will help make the best decision given the knowledge we have. Every good opportunity is not a God opportunity. Cover your outline in prayer as God settles your anxiousness about making the right decision.
Name Your Decision– Study long Study wrong! It is time to make a decision. You do not have to have all the answers to make a decision. You have done all the work, now trust that whatever choice you make, God is going to be with you. Making a decision is how you make it to your final destination. Speak out in boldness what you have decided to do and lay all other options to rest. Trust that you have made a good decision and see how God gets to put his super on your natural.

Coaching and Collective
This is for individuals who are actively planning and preparing to execute a leap (or step out) in the areas of writing, podcast hosting, mentoring/coaching, speaking, business and digital online ministry.
Providing ongoing support for Leapers ready to move from delay to action and experience what it feels like to hear God’s voice and respond in full obedience to His greater plan for their life.

Start a Youversion Devotional Plan
Have you ever had a strong nudge to make a major transition but felt consumed by nervousness, concern, and uncertainty? If so, this devotional is for you. In this devotional, we will discuss 5 ways you can confidently take the leap of faith God is calling you into while still exercising total obedience to his will.

Listen to the Podcast
Hear the powerful stories of both men and women from different industries and walks of life who obeyed God and took risks in exchange for heavens rewards.
As you listen, My hope is that their stories will give you the confidence needed to trust God as he leads you into your next leap.